After 120 years in the heart of Geelong at 27 Malop Street, Whyte Just & Moore is embarking on an exciting journey towards a new horizon. We’re thrilled to share with you the driving forces behind our decision to relocate to a new office space.

Our office move isn’t merely about changing our address; it’s about embracing fresh opportunities, enhancing our services, and strategically positioning ourselves for the future.

Embracing Growth Opportunities

At Whyte, Just & Moore, we’re committed to continuous growth and evolution. Our decision to relocate stems from a deep-seated belief in the potential for expansion and innovation. By moving to a new office space, we’re opening doors to new possibilities, allowing us to better serve our clients and adapt to the changing landscape of the legal industry.

Enhancing Client Services

Client satisfaction lies at the core of everything we do. With our relocation, we’re seizing the opportunity to enhance the quality of our services. Our new office space is meticulously designed to foster a more efficient, collaborative, and client-centric environment. From modern facilities to streamlined processes, every aspect of our new space is tailored to meet the diverse needs of our valued clients.

Strategic Positioning for the Future

In today’s dynamic business world, adaptability is key to success. By relocating to a new office space, Whyte Just & Moore is strategically positioning itself for the future. Our new location offers greater accessibility, visibility, and connectivity, enabling us to better engage with our community and stay ahead of industry trends. With this strategic move, we’re laying the foundation for continued growth, innovation, and excellence in legal services for another 120 years.

Join Us on this Exciting Journey

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we embark on a new chapter in the history of Whyte Just & Moore. Our relocation represents more than just a change of scenery – it’s a testament to our unwavering commitment to progress, excellence, and client satisfaction. Together, let’s embrace the opportunities that lie ahead and continue to build a brighter future for our firm and our clients.

Join our mailing list to stay up to date with the latest news and insights as we prepare for our new office space. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to welcoming you to our new home soon.

Warm regards,

The Whyte, Just & Moore Team


WJM still open for business

If you need legal assistance during our move our friendly staff are still here for you. Contact us on 03 5222 2077 or email to reach a member of our team for all of your legal needs.