wills & estate lawyers

Drafting a Will: 3 reasons why you should have a Wills & Estate lawyer do it

Although we don’t like to think about it, none of us last forever. Therefore it’s important to get your affairs in order and create a Will, note how you wish your assets to be distributed after your death, leave instructions for your funeral and ensure your relatives are taken care of in the event of your death.  When writing a Will there are many things you should consider! Engaging a Wills & Estate lawyer to draft a detailed estate plan, including a Will, makes managing your estate as easy (and legal) as possible. 

Do you need a lawyer to draft a Will?

Using a Wills & Estate lawyer ensures the practicalities (and legalities) of writing your Will and that the distribution of your estate is smooth. 

Our experienced Wills & Estate lawyers will take the following into account:

The complexity of your asset distribution

Before preparing a Will, your local lawyer will work with you to determine what is part of your estate and what isn’t. For example, some assets, such as superannuation, aren’t automatically part of your estate and may need to be treated differently. 

Potential beneficiary disputes

Once you confirm what’s included in your Will, your lawyer will work with you to develop an asset distribution that works for your circumstances (and hopefully prevent anyone contesting the Will).

 Ensuring your Will is legally valid

To decrease the possibility of your Will being contested or your estate passing into intestacy you should work with your local Wills & Estate lawyer to draft your Will. 

A Wills & Estate lawyer is invaluable when it comes to estate planning and drafting your Will. They understand the intricacies of Victorian law and can advise you on not only your Will but on other matters such as superannuation and property laws.

  Using a full-service law firm like WJM means you have access to other lawyers who can also provide guidance and advice. So for those who own a family business and need to look at succession planning or those who have children to account for with ex-partners or anyone who has property – engage with one of our Wills & Estate lawyers to draft your Will or do an estate plan will be beneficial.

Geelong Wills & Estate lawyer for estate planning

Estate planning can be one of the greatest gifts you can give those left behind. A Wills & Estate lawyer from Whyte Just & Moore can help ensure your final wishes are respected, and your assets are distributed according to your plans. They can also draft an Enduring Powers of Attorney or Medical Treatment Decision Maker to ensure decisions that are made on your behalf comply with your desires. 

If you need assistance with your estate planning or drafting a Will, or updating your outdated Will, contact the Wills & Estates team at WJM. Our experienced Geelong lawyers are adept at estate planning and can assist you and your executor in the distribution of your estate. Call (03) 5222 2077 or email info@wjmlawyers.com.au to set up an appointment to discuss your Will or Estate plan.

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